Relationship Advice

Why Is It So Hard To Forget Someone Who Broke Your Heart

Being in love always comes with risks. The most notable risk, most of us try to avoid is being hurt. The truth is, in order to garner the exact relationship you desire, you have to be willing to take that risk to fall in love with someone to the point where it may be hard to imagine life without them. Given the situation of love, it is almost inevitable you have either already experienced heartbreak, or will embark on the frustration of being broken-hearted sometime in your future. Either way, it’s important to know, that when someone breaks your heart, sure, it makes feel like your world is most definitely ending, it may seem impossible to ever forgive, forget and move on, but you will, eventually. You are not alone though. I’ve certainly been through the struggles of frustration, of pain and disappointment, and what feels like neverending tears. You will be ok, though. 

No matter how you feel about heartbreak, it’s clear that it affects our thinking and behavior in ways that we can’t always understand.

Here, we’re going to explore the reasons heartbreak is so hard to forget, and the strategies that work best for coping with this difficult experience. We hope that by the end of it, you’ll have a better understanding of why heartbreak is such a tough situation to navigate, a better plan for overcoming it, and a vibe, you are willing to take the risk to get exactly what you want although you may have been hurt before. 

Reasons Why It’s Hard To Forget Someone Who Broke Your Heart

Trying to move on from a relationship can be a challenge in itself. But, the pain and emotions associated with the breakup can be even more difficult to shake. There are many reasons why it’s hard to forget someone who broke your heart.

The person you loved made you feel complete

When you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to forget about your own needs and wants. After all, you have someone else to worry about! But when that relationship ends, all of a sudden you’re faced with the prospect of meeting your own needs again. And it can be tough to do that, especially if you’ve been in a codependent relationship. This is one of the reasons why it’s so hard to forget someone who broke your heart – because they made you feel complete, and now you have to find a way to fill that void on your own. Take note, love isn’t like romance movies. Being in love is NOT meant to complete you. Each participating party should be complete as individuals, but willing to grow with another. Unhealthy co-dependency can result in a tumultuous relationship, so try to avoid that at all costs. 

The breakup was sudden and unexpected

If the breakup was sudden and unexpected, it can be even harder to forget about the person you loved. You might find yourself going over what happened again and again in your head, trying to make sense of it. This can be a painful and frustrating process, but it’s also one that’s very common. Most times in these cases you may have been ignoring the signs and wishing for the best. Most things don’t just completely come out of the blue. It could be a case of denial. You can get past this and work toward a happy relationship with another. Promise. 

You’re worried that you’ll never find anyone else

The reason heartbreak is so hard to forget is that you might be worried that you’ll never find anyone else. You may be feeling like your perfect partner was in the person you broke up with, but someone else is out there to match with you where you are. The fear that no one else is out there can be especially strong if you were in a long-term relationship or if the person you loved was your first love. But it’s important to remember that there is plenty of other fish in the sea, and there are plenty of seas to fish in – you hear me! This is your time to experience anew! There’s no need to rush into another relationship just because you’re afraid. Get to the fun. 

You’re worried that you made a mistake

If you’re worried that you made a mistake within your relationship and just maybe, you should have apologized before things got too bad, but your pride just wouldn’t let you do it. Well, here you are friend, having to face the consequences. In this situation, you for sure may have a tough time attempting to let go and forget as you know things probably could have been different. If only you did things differently. A common notion to regret some things. Take it as a learning experience and please do not repeat the same in your next partnership!

You have unresolved feelings for the person you loved

If you still have strong feelings for the person you love, it can be very hard to forget about them. Even if you know that the relationship is over, it’s normal to still feel sad, confused and hurt. These feelings can make it difficult to move on, but it’s important to remember that you will get through this eventually with time. Allow yourself to go through the motions of grief and admit how you truly feel. Doing so will make it that much easier to power through. 

The Wounds Heartbreak Leaves Behind

Although heartbreak may hurt physically and emotionally, it’s important to keep going. The wounds heartbreak leaves behind take time to heal and can take up to months, years, and in some cases – – forever. However, don’t give up on healing those wounds – there are many miraculous things that can happen when you push through and nurture the love you can allow to grow for your future lover. In the long run, heartbreak can teach you a lot about yourself and your relationships. It can also help you learn to be more resilient in the face of adversities in the future, past just relationships, really in all of your life. So, be patient with yourself – heartbreak may not be the end of the world after all.

Read Also: How To Turn Your Breakup Into A New Beginning

Strategies for Forgetting Someone Who Broke Your Heart

why is it so Hard To Forget Someone Who Broke Your Heart

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for forgetting someone who broke your heart. But there are some strategies that can help you move on from this difficult experience.

Allow yourself to grieve

The first step in forgetting someone who broke your heart is to allow yourself to grieve. This means giving you time to mourn the loss of the relationship. It’s normal to feel sad, angry, and confused after a breakup. And it’s okay to cry, scream, or do whatever else you need to do to release those emotions. Just remember that grief is a process, a process you will have to go through to get to the rewards on the other side. 

Focus on taking care of yourself

During this difficult time, it’s important to focus on taking care of yourself. This means eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. It might also mean doing things that make you happy, like spending time with friends or pursuing a hobby. Avoid turning to alcohol or drugs to cope with your pain. Tossing it back may eliminate the pain at the moment, but it will only make you feel worse in the long run. 

Do something that makes you happy

When you’re struggling to forget about someone, it can be helpful to do something that makes you happy. This could be anything from reading a good book to going for a walk in the park to venting to a friend, family member, or even a therapist. Doing things that make you happy and make space for you to release the tension of hurt can help you to feel better and begin operation – move on. 

Create new memories

In order to forget someone who broke your heart, you need to create new memories without them. Spend time with your friends and family, try new things, and travel to new places. The more positive experiences you have, the easier it will be to let go of the past. Because Ummm…you have things to do and people to see!

Talk about what happened

Try to talk about what happened with a trusted friend or family member. This can be a great way to process your thoughts and feelings about the breakup. It can also help you to gain some much-needed perspective on what happened. Writing about what happened can also be a helpful way. It allows you to get your thoughts and feelings down on paper. And it can be therapeutic to look back on what you’ve written and see how far you’ve come since the breakup.

Avoid contact

It’s also important to avoid contact with the person who broke your heart. This includes blocking them on social media, deleting their phone number, and avoiding places you know they’ll be. Additionally, it might be helpful to delete any reminders of them from your life. For example, you could get rid of any gifts they gave you or photos you have together. Because the constant reminder of them can most definitely cause more hurt. 

Stop dwelling on the past

Dwelling on what happened and who hurt you is only going to keep you stuck in the past and prevent you from moving on. If you want to forget someone who broke your heart, you need to be willing to let go of the anger and resentment you’re feeling. This doesn’t mean forgetting what they did, but rather forgiving and accepting that what’s done is done and that you can’t change it, but you can change how you react to it. 

Give yourself permission to move on

If you’re finding it difficult to forget someone who broke your heart, try giving yourself permission to move on. This means accepting that the relationship is over and that you deserve to be happy. It might also mean forgiving yourself for any role you played in the breakup. It might take weeks, months, or even years to forget someone who broke your heart. But eventually, the pain will fade and you’ll be able to move on with your life. Just remember to be patient and kind to yourself during this process.

Focus on the future

Another helpful strategy for forgetting someone who broke your heart is to focus on the future. This means setting goals for yourself and looking forward to what’s ahead. It might also mean making plans for how you’ll spend your time and who you’ll spend it with. 

Seek professional help

If you’re struggling to forget someone who broke your heart, it might be helpful to seek professional help. Therapy can be a lifesaver in some cases. The right therapist can help to understand your emotions and provide you with the tools to release and overcome them. It’s the nonjudgmental guidance that is extremely helpful. 

Read Also: How To Handle Conflict In Relationships

Why Do We Remember Emotions More Than Facts?

It’s been said that we remember emotions more than facts. And this is one of the reasons heartbreak is so hard to forget. When you’re going through heartbreak, you might find yourself fixated on the negative emotions you’re feeling. You might replay arguments or fights in your head over and over again. And this can make it very difficult to move on. Attempt to not cause yourself more misery by reflecting on the past so much. Live and learn, and move on friends!

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