Relationship Advice

True Meaning of Love: Why We Care for One Person More Than Another

Love is what we all hope to feel one day, and most of us will have experienced it at least once in our lives. The vibe of love is a strong, emotional attachment that we have towards someone. We tend to love people who make us feel good about ourselves. They make us laugh, they listen to us, and they understand us. We feel safe and comfortable with them, and they make us feel loved and special. This is why we often care for one person more than another. 

When we love someone, we care about their happiness and wellbeing above our own. We are willing to sacrifice our needs to make them happy, and we enjoy their successes. Love is not just a feeling, it is also an action. It is something we give and feel for another person and not something we expect from them. 

True Meaning Of Love

What is the meaning of love to you? Love is often seen as something beautiful and special, and it is often considered one of the most powerful emotions in the world. 

Everyone experiences love differently, but passion filled with strange feelings and wonder is known to be common emotions. Being engrossed in love can often make us feel on top of the world one minute, and in times when things get tough, the connection and ties can sometimes have the capacity to get you feeling down in the dumps. But, like for real, on the real tip, what is real love? For some people, it’s that strong pull to want to hop on someone past a lustful state. It is unpredictable and difficult to express and explain, but it can be appealing and fulfilling. When we see someone we’re attracted to, our heart rate increases causing us almost to feel nervous and making us start to sweat (well, at least some of us) hah! These are all physical reactions that are controlled by the nervous system.

But love is also a mental state. It’s the way we think and feel about someone. We may find someone physically attractive, but their personality, values, and sense of humor make us fall head over heels in love.

9 Most Common Reasons Why We Care For One Person More Than Another?

If you find yourself caring for someone more than you care for yourself, ask yourself, why, and why this particular person? Is it because they make you feel good? Do they treat you well? Or do they simply appreciate you more than anyone else? 

Whatever the reason, remember that love is a two-way street. Considering there can be many reasons why we end up caring for someone over another, here are some of the most common reasons:

1. Strong Emotional Connection 

We might care for someone more than another because we have a strong emotional connection with them. This could be because we share similar values, experiences, or goals. When we feel close to someone on an emotional level, it’s natural to want to protect and care for them. 

2. Physical Attraction

Physical attraction can cause you to feel a powerful and lustful tie that increases the pull for you to get real close to the person, and most times, it’s an undeniable sexual attraction. Most likely, these feelings rise within because you find the person good-looking, their body gives you all the vibes, and you just feel good when you’re around them. No matter what, a physical attraction is intriguing and sometimes wildly passionate. If we’re physically attracted to someone, it’s natural to want to be close to them, to keep touching them, and to ultimately care for them. 

3. Good Treatment 

We often care more for people who treat us well. If someone is kind, understanding, and supportive, it’s only natural for the connection to eventually deepen, and the desire to return the favor is almost automatic. 

4. Being Appreciated  

Who doesn’t love to be appreciated? It goes a long way and certainly has the ability to heighten the ties of connection. When we feel like our partner cares about us and values our opinion, we are more likely to care for them in return and to want to jump their bones (I digress).  

5. Having Fun Together 

Couples who laugh together stay together. It’s as simple as that. What is the point if you’re not having fun with your partner? A good relationship should be filled with all the things. The good, the bad, and the even better!

6. Reciprocated Love 

Reciprocity is irreplaceable in a relationship. When what you offer is provided back to you, the power of love takes over, ya’ll. You are more inclined to give more, be more, and continue to maintain all the effort of a reciprocal relationship.  It’s a special feeling. 

8. They Are Special To Us In Some Way

As you think of healthy relationships, we typically let people into our lives that are special to us, right? There is something unique about them. The way they look, make you feel, and how you feel secure in their presence carries the love. 

9. Seeing The Best In Them

When we really care about someone, we see beyond their flaws, doubts, or imperfections. Their potential becomes the priority; in some cases, you can see what they may not even see in themselves. 

Read Also: The right relationships can help you heal

How Can We Show Our Love For Someone?

When you want to show your love that they mean the world to you or that they are growing to be important in your daily life, express it in the following ways. 

1. Spend Time With Them

Go on dates, take walks together, or just hang out at home climbing on top of them after a pillow fight. Both simplicity and excitement together are meaningful just because you are together, and it fosters a stronger connection. 

2. Listen To Them

Have you noticed when you listen to someone, you build a strong bond with them? If not, begin to pay attention. Just listening to a partner can be the best way to show you love and value them, and you will get to understand them better as you continue to listen.

3. Tell Them How You Feel

Man! Expressing your emotions and true feelings is NOT always easy, but when you really love someone, there is ease as you break down your walls. Remember, there aren’t many mind readers out here, so if you want to connect and be understood, be open to offering your truth. 

4. Do Something Special For Them

Go out of your way. Allow yourself to be inconvenienced with pleasure just so you can make your partner happy. When there is real love and reciprocity, making sacrifices and doing random kind things will be much easier. The smile and happiness that occurs will be all the more worth it. 

5. Be There For Them

When our loved ones are going through tough times, it’s important that we be there for them. Be that shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to, and do what we can to support them. Ensure they know they are not alone. Sometimes, just being present can make all the difference.

Love is great. Love is kind. Love is meant to be felt by you and should be sustained when you recognize the meaning of love and when you recognize why your match is the person you care about so much!

Visit Couple Experience CE Circle to learn more about relationships and how to make them work for you.  We offer advice, tips, and resources to help you build a strong and healthy relationship. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for more updates.

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