Are you in love with the wrong person? It can be hard to tell sometimes. You may have certain expectations for a relationship, and if they’re not being met, it’s possible that you’re not with the right person. If you find yourself constantly fighting or feeling unhappy, then it’s likely your relationship may not be where you need to be.
It can be tough to admit that you’re in love with the wrong person, but if those feelings are causing pain and unhappiness, then it’s time to face the truth. The sooner you do, the sooner you can start finding someone right for you.
12 Signs That Show You Are in Love With the Wrong Person
There can be many signs that show you are in love with the wrong person. If you are experiencing any of the following, it may be time to reassess your relationship:
1. You Feel Like You’re Always Walking on Eggshells Around Them
It may be time to end the relationship if you constantly have to walk on eggshells. This is because you constantly worry about how they will react to anything and everything you do. You never know what will set them off, so you try to avoid having any issues, no matter the caliber, as much as possible.
You should not have to live in constant fear of upsetting your partner. If you can’t be yourself around them, then it’s not worth staying in the relationship.
2. They’re Always Putting You Down

If you’re in a relationship where your partner is constantly putting you down, it can be difficult to know what to do. Your partner should make you feel good about yourself, not bad. If they’re always putting you down, they likely don’t truly love and respect you. You deserve to be treated with respect, and if your partner isn’t providing that, it may be time to have some serious conversations with your partner or, worst case, end the relationship.
3. You’re Always Trying To Please Them
If you’re constantly trying to please someone who is never satisfied, it’s time to ask yourself if you’re in love with the wrong person. A healthy relationship is built on compromise, not one-sided sacrifice. Both partners should feel like they can be themselves and be excited to share their identities.
4. You Don’t Have Any Independence
- Love is a powerful emotion that can make us do crazy things. Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong person, someone who doesn’t appreciate or respect our independence. In a relationship like this, you may feel like you’re not yourself anymore. You may feel you have to give up your independence and freedom to make the other person happy. This is not a healthy or sustainable way to live, and it’s not love.
- A healthy relationship should allow both partners to have their own lives outside of the relationship. If your partner always needs your attention and you don’t have any independence, it’s a sign that they’re too needy. This is unhealthy for you and a sign that they’re not confident and secure enough in themselves. If your partner can’t handle you having a life outside them, they’re probably not the right person for you.
5. They Never Want To Spend Time With You
If you’re with someone who never wants to spend time with you, you’re likely in love with the wrong person. If your significant other is always too busy or doesn’t seem to want to be around you, it will probably not work out in the long run.
This can be frustrating and may make you feel like you’re not worthy of their time, but it’s important to remember that you deserve better, and in most cases, this scenario has nothing to do with you. It just may not be meant to be. I suggest you don’t stay in a relationship that makes you feel like you’re second best.
Must Read: 10 Signs That Your Relationship Is On The Verge Of Ending
6. You’re Constantly Arguing or Fighting
If you find yourself constantly arguing or fighting with the person you’re in love with, it may be a sign that you’re not meant to be together. The struggle of having multiple disagreements resulting in terrible arguments can be draining and debilitating at times. This is especially true if the arguments are over petty things or seem to happen for no reason. If you can’t get along without constant conflict, it’s best to end things before it gets too complicated, and it’s probably not going to be a healthy or happy relationship anyhow.
7. You Feel Like You’re Constantly Giving and They’re Not Taking
If you find yourself in a situation where you are always giving, but the other person is not taking it, or they are not reciprocating all that you are giving and offering, it might be a sign that you are in love with the wrong person. When you love the right person, they will return your affection and love equally. If the person you’re with only takes without giving anything back, it’s likely not a healthy relationship.
8. They Constantly Bring Up Your Past Mistakes
The person who constantly brings up your past mistakes in a relationship is someone who is not ready to let go of the past. They may be insecure and feel like they need to remind you of your past mistakes in order to make themselves feel better. Alternatively, they may enjoy dredging up old arguments and disagreements in order to cause drama.
Either way, this type of behavior is toxic and can ruin relationships. If you have a partner who continuously brings up your past mistakes, try to talk to them about it and explain that you want to move on from the past. If they refuse to change their behavior, then it very well may be time to end the relationship.
9. They Don’t Support Your Dreams or Goals
It’s frustrating when you have a partner who doesn’t support your dreams or goals. They might act like they are a well-wisher, but in reality, they are trying to hold you back. It’s more comfortable for them to see you stay exactly where you are, living in mediocrity that is acceptable to them but not you.
It can be tough to deal with this situation, but stay strong; you got this! Don’t let your partner, or anyone for that matter, convince you that you can’t achieve your dreams. Remind yourself why you’re working so hard and why it’s important to you.
10. They’re Always Trying To Change Who You Are
It’s hard to let go of someone who has been a part of your life for so long, even if that person is bad for you. You may have invested so much time and energy into the relationship that it feels like there’s no other choice but to stick it out. But if your partner is always trying to change you, it’s time to let them go.
Chances are, you’re not perfect, and your partner knows that. They may try to convince you that they can help make you better if only you change this or that about yourself. But the truth is, they’re not trying to help – they’re trying to control you. And nobody deserves to be controlled in a relationship. If your partner can’t accept you for who you are, then friend, it’s time to find someone else who will.
Further Reading: Is It Love Or Obsession
11. You Find Yourself Hiding Things From Them
The person you are hiding things from is not better for you. They are possessive and demanding, always needing to be in control. You can’t stand this need for constant attention and interference in your life. If you find yourself constantly hiding things from them, whether small things or essential details, this is an important fact to consider. You should want a life that is your own without anyone constantly monitoring and questioning what you’re doing.
If you fear your partner’s reaction if they were to find out about the things you’ve been hiding, this situation is not healthy for either of you, and it’s time to reevaluate the relationship and consider leaving for your own well-being. Don’t let toxic behavior continue in a relationship – take control of your life and choose what is best for yourself.
12. They Make You Feel Like You’re Always Doing Something Wrong
No one is fit for everyone, and that includes romantic partners. If you are with someone who makes you feel like you’re always doing something wrong, then it’s time to end the relationship. If you feel like you can’t get a leg up, and everything you do seems to irritate your partner, then once again, it may be time to let the relationship go and recognize you might be in love with the wrong person.
It can be tough to break up with someone, but it’s better to do so now than to stay in a toxic relationship that will only make you miserable.
Remember, you deserve to be happy, and you can’t be happy if you’re with someone who constantly makes you feel bad about yourself.
Advice for Those Who Are in a Relationship With the Wrong Person
It can be tough to know what to do if you’re in a relationship with the wrong person. You may feel stuck in a cycle of pain and frustration, and you may not know how to break free. But there is hope and ways to get out of a bad relationship.
- First, you need to understand that you are not alone. Many people find themselves in relationships with the wrong person, and it’s not your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong you just happened to fall for someone who isn’t right for you.
- You need to realize that breaking up will be challenging, but it will be worth it. It’s never easy to break up with someone, but if they’re not good for you, it’s time to let them go.
- You need to have faith that things will get better. It may seem like things will never change, but – they will. You’ll eventually find someone right for you, and everything will fall into place when that happens.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed. Many people can offer support during this difficult time, whether friends, family, or a therapist. Don’t be afraid to seek help to find the strength to leave a bad relationship.
Final Thoughts
Remaining in a toxic relationship is only going to make you unhappy. If you find yourself in a relationship with the wrong person, don’t be afraid to end it. It’s better to be single and happy than to be in a miserable situationship that lacks satisfaction. And always remember, things will get better – muster up the faith you need to stay positive and sense the great future that is in store for you!
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