Relationship Advice

Can Long-Distance Relationships Work Long-Term?

Maintaining a relationship is harder now than it used to be. Traditionally, couples married and stayed together for the rest of their lives. Nowadays, things are a bit different. There are more desires, more reach, more options, and less of an urge to commit.  Although everyone typically aspires to have a perfect relationship, like something out of a fairy tale, most people will be satisfied with being content in their own way. 

According to, 60% of long-distance relationships last!

Although difficult at times, long-distance relationships are becoming increasingly common. With how hectic everyone is with their jobs and personal lives, couples are making the investment to commute longer, travel more often for visits, and build a more trustworthy relationship, even if the individuals are apart most of the time. 

Long-distance relationships can work if you decide to put in the effort and are satisfied with the relationship offerings. Just because you’re not in the same place doesn’t mean you can’t have a healthy and happy relationship. 

So if you’re considering entering a long-distance relationship, don’t let the distance scare you – it may just turn out to be the best thing for your relationship. Think about the following 6 things as you ponder what you want to do.  

Things To Know – How Do You Make A Long-Distance Relationship Work Long-Term

Clear And Effective Communication Is The Key

Be upfront with your needs, requirements, and deal breakers. Set standards early, communicate them respectfully and ensure there is an agreeance from everyone that they are willing to make it work. 

During a long-distance relationship, most of your communication will probably happen online through text messages, phone calls, or video calls.

It’s important to keep the lines of communication open, as it can be easy to misread things or misunderstand each other when you’re not able to talk face-to-face. This is why it’s crucial to have regular check-ins with each other and to be honest about how you’re feeling.

Being and staying together should be the main objective of the relationship. So, it’s crucial to be patient with one another to avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings. 

Get To Know Each Other In Unique Ways

With a long-distance relationship, you and your partner must get inventive to make things work. You’ll grow closer by communicating deeper thoughts and feelings that you might not otherwise share if you lived together. Of course, this level of intimacy can either be good or bad for your relationship – it all depends on how well you handle it.

You must have regular conversations about your interests outside of the relationship. Doing this can help you learn more about each other, and it can also help strengthen your bond.

Try to discover new things about each other. This can be done by sharing stories about your childhood or your thoughts and feelings about current events. Relish in those long phone calls with the phone overheating or the long text threads. Chat via Zoom or FaceTime. These days, there are no excuses. 

You can also get to know each other in unique ways by exploring new hobbies or activities together. This can be a fun way to spend time together and help you learn more about each other’s interests.

Further Reading: 10 Romantic Gestures To Make Your Partner Smile

Being More Appreciative of Your Time Together

Being more appreciative of your time together will help strengthen your relationship and make the time you spend together even more special. As is the saying:

”Live in the present and enjoy every moment you have with your loved ones.”

Long-distance relationships can be tough. You might not get to see your partner as often as you’d like, and when you’re finally together, it shouldn’t be hard to find something to talk about. You should want to put your devices down and enjoy the in-person intimacy that is truly irreplaceable. 

Make sure to schedule your time together in advance, giving yourself something to look forward to. 

Try To Be More Self-Reliant

Being in a long-distance relationship doesn’t mean that one of you has to be the dependent and the other has to be the carefree one.

Make an effort to set personal objectives, develop new interests, spend time with others, or even travel to new locations. Someone who truly loves you will be happier if you’re more active doing the activities you love rather than dwelling on missing them. 

Learn To Trust Each Other More

Couples in long-distance relationships may miss out on physical touch. You can talk to your spouse about your feelings and requirements if you have a sense of trust and understanding. Then, by working together, you might find a solution that works for both of you. Phone sex is known to be a creative way to stay connected. Why not give it a try if you feel comfortable with one another? 

There are a few things you can do to build trust in your relationship:

Keep A Healthy Level Of Conversation Going

The amount of conversation that is healthy for a relationship will differ from couple to couple. But, typically, it can mean replying when your significant other contacts you and frequently talking about experiences, thoughts, and emotions.

Make Each Other A Priority

Staying connected means being there for each other when it’s convenient and inconvenient. That is the test of a true relationship and an individual’s dedication. 

Be Open And Honest With Each Other About Feelings

When you’re in a long-distance relationship, you must choose to be open and upfront, even during difficult times. Notifying your long-distance partner about your day or week’s ups and downs not only gives you an outlet that you may truly need, but it also aids them in getting to know you and in predicting what to anticipate if something similar happens again.

Help Them Know Your Other Friends And Family

Spider webs, in a way, are relationship networks. When your partner learns about your friends and family, they gain more “reference points” of individuals who love and respect you. This contributes to the strengthening of their trust in you and helps them to become more firmly entrenched in your life.

Be More Creative in Your Dates

If you and your partner live in different cities or countries, you’ll have to get creative when setting up your dates. You can’t just go out to dinner and a movie like you would if you lived in the same city. Instead, consider looking into virtual date night ideas to intensify the spark and keep you engaged. 

One fun idea is to have a themed dinner date. You and your partner can cook and eat the same dish while chatting. This is a great way to bond and connect, even though you’re miles apart.

You can also have a movie night. Pick a movie you both want to watch and start it at the same time on an App like Rave or plan a watch party with the two of you on many other platforms. Then, you can chat throughout the movie. This is a great way to feel like you’re on a date, even though you’re not in the same place.

If you get creative, you can have fun and romantic dates, even though you’re not in the same place. Long-distance relationships take work, but they’re worth it.

Benefits of Long-Distance Relationships

Though it may seem counterintuitive, there are some benefits to being in a long-distance relationship.

  • You may come up with a variety of suggestions for making the relationship more exciting and less routine. “Planning a surprise may be a source of joy,” According to Dr. Anand.
  • You’ll be able to master the art of building trust more easily because being apart can increase temptation, but trust will acquiesce the urge. 
  • Learning patience is a good place to start if you want an uncomplicated life. Mastering it will make daily situations more relaxed and manageable. For example, being in a long-distance relationship requires discipline and kindness–both of which come with time and practice.
  • It can help you grow as a person. You get to learn more about yourself in a long-distance relationship. You learn how to communicate better. How to be more present and connect with the person(s) that matters most to you. It has the capacity to make your relationship stronger.
  • Long-distance relationships require couples to put in a little more effort than those who see each other on a daily basis. This greater effort might help your relationship grow. You get to miss one another and anticipate the next time that you get to spend quality time with them again. 

Advice for Couples Who Are Considering a Long-Distance Relationship

If you’re considering a long-distance relationship, here are some tips for making it work:

  • Make sure you are both committed to making the relationship work. If your partner is unwilling to do the small things, the major issues that arise in the relationship will most likely trigger frustration, which could result in a breakup. 
  • Long-distance relationships are tough, but they can be successful if both parties are honest about their needs, and communication is key. Giving each other space while maintaining regular communication will help keep the relationship strong.
  • Don’t compare your relationship to others. Your partnership is yours to create, make and build upon. Comparing your relationship to others can cause unnecessary consternation. 

Final Thoughts

A long-distance relationship is a romantic partnership where the two people involved live far apart and have few chances to see each other in person. Many assume these relationships are doomed to fail, but that does not have to be the case. With effort and communication, long-distance relationships can be fun and satisfying.

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