Entertainment, Relationship Advice

7 Best Bonding Activities for Couples Quality Time

Couples Bonding Activities and Couples Experience

That new love feeling is almost second to none. The beauty of getting together as a couple makes almost everything intimate. The hugs, the hand-holding, the looks that make you blush, everything seems so tense and delightful. I’m sure most of us would agree. Not to mention, when you absolutely know you’ve found the one, the intensity and comfort level is blissful. 

It gets to a point where sparks don’t always fly, and that’s okay. This is why, no matter what, even when things aren’t perfect, you continue to choose your partner over and over again. When you do, it is easier to re-establish and maintain a connection. Which in most cases, isn’t lost. The famous musician Pink, said it in her song, Just give me a reason, “it’s not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again.” 

Let’s get to some questions.  

Do you see your partner regularly? Or do you only see each other every now and then? Do you plan date nights? Do you make an effort to spend solid time together? Are the kids taking up too much of your time? Whatever the case may be, it’s critical to spend quality time with your partner to deepen your bond, keep the love alive, and grow your relationship.

But how? We got you covered with our ultimate couple bucket list. We have gathered the best bonding activities for couples to choose from, to light up that spark and get through the good and bad phases together.

Let’s dive in.

Bonding Activities For Couples Quality Time

A fulfilling relationship should be full of memorable moments that bring you two closer together, make you laugh, and allow you to express “I love you” without saying it. So, let’s walk you through 7 of the best couple’s quality time activities you can do below.

A movie marathon:

It isn’t cliche, I promise. A date to the movies with your significant other never gets old. You can either go out on a weekend movie date night or stay at home and watch a movie. The choices are endless: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Vudu, Fandango Now; there are plenty of apps to sustain your movie marathon. Microwave some popcorn, curl up under a blanket, light the fireplace, get some candles, and discover the perfect TV show or movie(s) to binge-watch, and don’t forget to avoid distractions. A cheeky argument over the plot is the fun part and certainly helps with building a bond. You know it, we know it; movie night is one of the best activities couples can do at home.


Have the resources? Then, by all means, go for it. Traveling is an excellent method to revive your relationship. It not only gives you much-needed time away, but it also helps you avoid being drawn back into the humdrum of everyday life. Visit new places together to instill a sense of adventure and enthusiasm in your relationship. Remember, you don’t have to do anything too drastic. Spend the night in a nice hotel in a nearby city, or go on a glamping trip. Take some selfies, or not.  Just make it fun and be enthused that you will be with your love. 

If you want to go all out, you can go to the high thriving city of Paris or a lowkey beautiful place like Hawaii. Have a talk with your significant other. Get on a weekend getaway, and enjoy each other’s company.

Appreciate Art:

Art appreciation is one of the best outdoor activities with your partner. One of the most stimulating activities for couples is to absorb a little culture together. Try to appreciate new arts together at least once a month. Look for fresh gallery openings or wander around your city looking for a museum you’ve never visited, or even street art. Learning about diverse cultures as a pair will help you spend quality time as a couple.

Get fit together:

What better way to bond than to get in shape together? I personally believe the process of motivating each other, being fit, and calculating each other’s portions is an excellent hobby to bond over, and can result in some sexy time. It may be annoying at times, but the connection made will be strong. Working out together has various perks. You’ll be able to spend more time together, but you’ll also be able to improve your overall health, fitness, and sexual life.

Going for a stroll together, attending a yoga class, exercising at home via an app, or even playing a fitness game (exercise is exercise right? haha). Planting a garden, painting a room or basement are all hobbies that may be done together to get some exercise, and make room for later reflection and excitement.

Get a couples massage:

In premium spas all around the world, a couples massage is one of the most popular treatments. What could be more romantic than lying side by side in the most soothing surroundings with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse? If a full-body massage isn’t your style, consider a relaxing foot massage, or head massage. There are so many options these days based on your preferences, just search for what you want…and get to it! Wanna spice things up a notch? Learn how to give each other a romantic tranquilizing massage for an even more intimate time. Grab some body oil (edible is good too) and use those hands of yours to please your partner. 

Hold hands:

Our science geeks have confirmed that hugging also lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone, making us feel less anxious. Snuggling on the couch, holding hands, cuddling — anything that brings you closer together will give you a proper dosage of oxytocin. This is crucial when it comes to bonding with your mate. So take a walk together, hold their hand in public, cuddle, plant a peck on the cheek; these things go a long way in igniting that fire.

Go on adventures together:

Do something spontaneous with your mate. Get out of your comfort zone to add some spice to your lives. Go bungee jumping, zipping, ride a helicopter, or jump out of a plane. Do something that will help you overcome your fears and provide an adrenaline rush. With just the two of you, you’ll make lifelong memories. 

If it isn’t your forte, there are plenty of other quality time ideas for couples. The infamous life of  cooking for each other, volunteering at a community project, attending music festivals, visiting Times Square, and so much more are always goodies.

It’s not easy to go through a “relationship rut” phase. When nothing excites or feels new anymore, it can cause some severe disdain, but this can be changed. So many beautiful relationships can fall out because of it, but if you’re stuck here, think of how it all started. Ask yourself, “If I was to do this again, would I pick them?” if your answer is yes, then make that effort. They are worth it. If all is well. Keep that momentous happiness going with qua-li-ty time. 

One of the best ways to prevent this is to never stop loving your partner. Treat them as you would in the very beginning. Keep the connection alive. If you need help, this ultimate couple’s bucket list will help you spend quality time together.

Pick what feels good for you pending your mood. Just pay attention to the details. You could plan a surprise or seek their opinion, because only you know them best. You can always come back for reference. Hope this helps. Keep us in the loop and share your pictures on IG #couplesexperience. 



Leader Nwabekeh is a freelance content/creative writer. She is currently pursuing a law degree. She aspires to see the world through writing and help others see the world through her words.  

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