
5 Amazing Supplements for Core Health

Improper nutrition deprives us of years of life. We want you to take a step towards longevity and beat the odds of life and live to ripe old age. However, we understand, this is easier said than done. We get it, the market is flooded with all sorts of health suggestions, and there are so many supplement companies that promise the ‘moon’, you may easily get fooled. The constant bombardment of ads on social media can make it really difficult to choose a product that can genuinely help you on your wellness journey. That’s where we come in. Based on health experts’ recommendations, we have compiled a list of easy to take supplements that go a long way in boosting immunity, healing your gut, and helping to provide relief from your anxious thoughts.


According to research, more than half of the US population is magnesium deficient. It is an essential nutrient in our body because it contributes to almost 600 enzymatic body reactions, and is also called a “relaxation mineral”. People who face difficulty in getting a good night’s sleep and have high-stress levels should make it a part of their health routine. From metabolizing food to the synthesis of proteins and fatty acids and nerve impulse transmission—magnesium plays a critical role. Most commonly, people consume magnesium to relieve stress and sleep better. You can also find magnesium in nuts, whole grains, and beans. You can also consume magnesium in powder form with water too, and on the plus side, magnesium tends to taste amazingly good.

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A recent report by CDC revealed that only 1 in every 10 adults are meeting the fruit and vegetable requirement daily. Although, fruits and veggies are an essential source of multivitamins, taking only the recommended daily portions will not help. You have to add variety to ensure you are functioning optimally and reaching the daily intake. 

Multivitamins are the most commonly used supplements as they provide all kinds of micronutrients that can fill the fruit and vegetable diet deficiency. These nutrients are especially crucial for adults who don’t consume a wide variety of fruits, whole grains, and veggies, either due to lack of availability or taste preference. Some of the vegetables high in various vitamins are broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts, and leafy green veggies. 

Vitamin C

Most of us look for ways to stay young. Although aging is a process you can’t stop, you can fight the signs by taking the initiative to do the right thing. Vitamin C is high in antioxidants that can help with potential signs of aging such as hyperpigmentation, UV or environmental damage, and improve the overall appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars.

Not limited to anti-aging, Vitamin C also helps with common cold, heart diseases, and immunity disorders. Though fresh fruits offer Vitamin C in abundance, you may not always have that choice available to you, and in the doses needed. Citrus fruits like oranges, peppers, strawberries, blackcurrants, and blueberries are good sources of Vitamin C.


Zinc has been acknowledged for its benefits since ancient times. This nutrient is essential for everyone but particularly for elderly people as they are more prone to Zinc deficiency due to their natural aging process. If you are known to be stressed, zinc will be a helpful addition to your daily regimen. Zinc is a mineral known for its immunity-boosting properties and it also helps your body efficiently use carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Some most common foods with natural zinc are lean meat, eggs, oysters, grass-fed beef, brown rice, lentils, and nuts.


Your gut health is crucial for immune functioning. There’s a direct link between the immune system and your gut health. To take care of both, you must consume a colorful array of foods. If you can’t get access to fermented foods that provide active probiotics, it is recommended you consider taking probiotics. Probiotics come in many accessible forms — capsules, drinks, and powders. Whether you want to boost immunity or correct digestion and balance hormones, go for probiotics. 

I hope you enjoyed reading. Please don’t forget to share it with your family and friends so you can all be on a successful wellness journey together.

Writer Bio:

Mahak Jahangir specializes in blog-writing, copywriting, and content writing on several topics related to health, technology, and science. She has received several positive reviews from her clients and has the top-rated plus badge on Upwork, which warrants her popularity, authenticity, and dedication.

She loves traveling and has explored more than 8 different cultures with her husband and a handsome three-year-old boy. She did her Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy (honors) from LaTrobe University. Australia. Her love for writing and research emerged during this period while volunteering as an Academic Research Expert. She now writes full-time, and her passion for writing is increasing day by day.

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