Relationship Advice

10 Romantic Gestures to Make Your Partner Smile

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “actions speak louder than words.” Well, it’s true. Especially when it comes to relationships. The most important thing you can do for your partner is to show them that you love and care for them.

A simple “I love you” or a hug can make your partner feel loved and appreciated. But sometimes it can be tough to think of new ways to show your love.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of romantic gestures that will make your partner smile. From taking a walk together to cooking their favorite meal, these gestures are sure to show how much you care. So go ahead and try one out – we promise your partner will appreciate it!

Here are 10 romantic gestures you can do to make your partner smile and bring happiness back into your life.

1. Holding Hands

This may seem like a simple gesture, but it’s actually very intimate. When you hold your partner’s hand, you are physically and emotionally connecting with them. It’s a way of saying, “I’m here for you.”

Whether you’re walking down the street or sitting on the couch, take some time to hold your partner’s hand. It’s a sweet way to show them that you care. It also helps to create a sense of closeness and intimacy between you both. Btw, according to Purewow, holding hands strengthens relationships, soothes anxiety, reduces stress and diminishes pain.

2. Spontaneous Hugs and Kisses

Hugs and kisses are always appreciated, but they can mean even more when they’re unexpected. So next time you’re in the middle of a conversation with your partner, take a break and give them a hug or a kiss.

They’ll definitely be surprised – and it will show them how much you care about them. Plus, it’s a great way to break the tension if you’ve been arguing or you’re feeling stressed out.

Just an FYI – Penn Medicine says high cortisol levels are linked to depression and a variety of other mental and physical ailments. When you make physical contact with someone you care about, the feel-good oxytocin floodgates open at the same time the urge to feel frazzled (cortisol) is subdued, leading to an all-around calmer state

3. Do Something Unexpected

Your partner’s smile is sure to bring happiness into your relationship, but sometimes it’s the little things that mean the most. Something as simple as cooking dinner, buying tickets to their favorite band’s concert, or buying flowers can go a long way. 

But if you really want to make your partner smile, try doing something unexpected. It could be anything from taking a dance class together to planning a weekend getaway. Whatever you do, just make sure it’s something your partner will enjoy and appreciate and something that will put a smile on their face

Further Reading: True Meaning of Love

4. Leaving Notes Around the House

A small gesture like leaving a note for your partner can brighten their day and make them feel loved. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – just a simple “I love you” or “I’m thinking of you” will do.

You could leave the note on their pillow, in their lunchbox, or on the bathroom mirror. Or, if you’re feeling really creative, hide it somewhere they’ll never expect it – like inside a shoe or in their favorite book.

No matter where you leave the note, your partner is sure to appreciate the thoughtfulness.

5. Send Them Flowers

For an extra romantic gesture, Sending your partner flowers or a special live gift, plants, or even an Uber Eats meal are all classic romantic gestures that is sure to put a smile on their face. Make sure to pick their favorite for an even more personal touch. 

You can arrange to have them delivered to their workplace or home, or you can hand-deliver them yourself. Just be sure to include a sweet note so they know they are from you.

6. Make Them Breakfast In Bed

Waking up to the smell of breakfast cooking is a surefire way to start the day off with a smile. Whether it’s pancakes, eggs, bacon, breakfast potatoes (my fave) or just coffee and toast, bringing breakfast in bed is a thoughtful romantic gesture that will definitely put a smile on your partner’s face.

7. Give Them a Massage

Who doesn’t love a good massage? If your partner is feeling stressed, why not give them a relaxing massage? This is a gesture that can be both relaxing and romantic. It shows that you are willing to take the time to make them feel good. 

Plus, it can be a great way to bond with your partner. This gesture is sure to please, and it’s a great way to show your partner that you care about their wellbeing. It also gives mental satisfaction and relaxation.

8. Simply Smile at Them

It sounds so simple, but sometimes just smiling at your partner can be the best gesture of all. Smiling is one of the most important romantic gestures you can make to your partner. It shows them that you’re happy to see them and that you’re thinking about them. You know, people want to feel like they matter, and when they walk into a room, you light up. So, something as small as a smile can go a long way in making your partner feel loved. 

Just the act of smiling can brighten your partner’s day and make them feel lovely. If you want to make your partner smile, simply smiling at them is often all it takes.

9. Draw or Write a Heartfelt Message

Yep, this may seem corny, but that’s what romance and love entail. So get to writing a heartfelt message in the snow, on the sidewalk, in the sand at the beach, or even in the condensation on your car’s window.  A thoughtful message is sure to make your partner smile. 

You could also write a heartfelt message on a card or note and leave it somewhere they’ll find it. This sweet gesture is sure to make your partner’s day.

10. Tell Them How Lucky You Feel To Be With Them

Many people underestimate how important it is to simply express how grateful you are to be in a relationship with your partner. Be sure to tell them how happy they make you, and how lucky you feel to be with them. This always means plenty, and may just get you “some” later. #justsayin. 

Related: Romantic Date Ideas

Grand Gestures of Love and Romance

  • Plan a camping or outdoor nature experience: If your partner enjoys the outdoors, plan a camping trip or nature hike. Grab some snacks and drinks, and enjoy each other’s company in nature.
  • Dinner and a movie: If your partner is a homebody, plan a romantic dinner for two, complete with their favorite food and wine. Then, snuggle up on the couch and watch their favorite movie.
  • A day at the spa: If your partner enjoys being pampered, take them to the spa for a day of relaxation. Get massages, facials, and mani-pedis. Then, finish the day with a nice dinner out.
  • A weekend getaway: If your partner enjoys traveling, plan a weekend getaway to their most loved destination. Book a hotel room and spend the weekend exploring the area. If your partner is up for it, plan a simple day trip to somewhere new. Visit a nearby town or city that they’ve never been to before. Exploring new places together is a great way to bond.
  • Think about a bonfire night: If your partner enjoys spending time with friends, plan a bonfire night. Invite some of their closest friends and roast marshmallows over the fire. Cheesy, but cute – we know!
  • Gift certificate to their favorite store: If your partner enjoys shopping, get them a gift certificate to their favorite store – Nordstrom, Lululemon, or Sephora always works for me! 

Take Care!

There are many romantic gestures that you can make to your partner. It’s important to remember that it’s the thought that counts. Your partner will appreciate any gesture that you make, big or small. So, don’t hesitate to show your love and affection. A little bit goes a long way in a relationship.

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We hope you’ve enjoyed this article and would encourage you to share it with your partner. Let us know what other romantic gestures you’ve done or plan on doing in the comments below!

Happy Smiling! 🙂

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