Experience, Prosperity

Top Podcasts for Finances

It’s true, whether we are open to admitting it or not. Having orderly finances allows you the space to grow, feel free and make an impact in this oh, so crazy world. Somehow, many of us have become twisted up to feel regretful, ashamed, and not able to see the possibility of becoming our best financial selves. 

The thing is – we have to be willing to take a little risk in order to earn a reward. There is nothing out here worth having that you will not have to work for. This all means, investing your time and energy into the best of what you desire is a wise plan. 

When it comes to cash money, credit, bitcoin, whatever it may be, it’s been known that having a healthy relationship with money and anything to do with finances is exceptionally tough for many. The ways in which we are raised and how we think about money have created situations of avoidance and hatred towards having our finances in order, and again, shame is a whole other emotional beast making us feel capsized in debt with no light at the end of the tunnel.  

It does not have to be this way, friends! 

There are so many resources accessible to us to embrace our bank accounts, credit reports investment opportunities, and elimination of debt. We got this. You can be smart with money, even if it may seem like a far-fetched experience for you – stop the press – it is not! If I can go from incredible debt to a nice cash flow, savings account, retirement plan, and GOALS to have even MORE to EXPERIENCE MORE – I promise you can too!

To help out, podcasts for finances can be a great way to make sure that you are heading in the right direction. Sometimes you need to hear some advice from a stranger with a relatable story or a person with more experience. Either way, it’s cool, we are here for you!

When you are on a search for financial advice or insight, why not choose a few finance podcasts that can help facilitate that love relationship you have so desired with your money?  Are you ready to be confident in your money goals and to be financially stable?

Best Finance Podcasts for 2022

We’ve already addressed the fact that, for some, finances can be confusing and intimidating. However, if you’re interested in learning more about managing your money or even saving for the future, take heed to podcasts for finances as a great resource. Listen while you work, drive, clean or set aside some solid time for you to invest in learning about finances from the list of podcasts below!

The Dave Ramsey Show 

The Dave Ramsey Show Hosted by one of America’s most trusted voices on personal finance, Dave Ramsey. This podcast breaks down complex financial topics in a way that everyone can understand. Dave offers solutions that can help you take charge of your life and build the future you’ve always wanted. With more than 1 billion downloads, Dave has helped people all over the country accomplish major financial goals. If there’s anyone who knows how to gain control of their finances, it’s definitely going to be Dave Ramsey. 

This show is squarely aimed at those who want to get out of debt and take control of their money once and for all. While not directly aimed at millennials, this podcast can be a great learning tool for those in their 20s to get ahead of the game. Learn how to stay on track with your finances and avoid falling into a rut. 

Millennial Investing

The Millennial Investing Podcast explores what it’s like to work in the financial world while also looking at how millennials are investing their money today. It doesn’t get much more real than this, folks. This show can provide some great insights into millennial-specific financial issues. Since listening to podcasts is free and doesn’t require much time, this can be an excellent way to learn and start preparing for the future all at once. 

Robert Leonard gives great advice about fundamentals such as asset allocation and diversification. This is a great podcast for anyone interested in learning how to invest their money without having to take too many risks.

Ditch the Suits

Hosted by Steve Campbell and Travis Maus, Ditch the Suits offers up unapologetic, thought-provoking conversations about the financial industry. These podcasts are not for everyone since hearing some of these hard truths can be challenging. However, these podcasts are well worth listening to if you want to know what’s really going on behind the scenes. These podcasts can help you finally get your finances in order and avoid getting mixed up with the scammers of the world.

This podcast also offers some great insights into self-investing and can be a great supplement to other finance-focused podcasts. This show is perfect for those interested in the current state of investing and those who want to learn more about finance on their terms.

Money For The Rest Of Us

Hosted by J. David Stein, Money For The Rest Of Us podcast offers some great insights into the world of finance and investing. This show focuses on helping people learn how to manage their money simply but thoroughly. Tune in every Monday for helpful tips that can help you finally get your finances under control once and for all. 

This podcast can help you find great ways to invest your money and grow it instead of just wasting it on frivolous purchases that won’t matter in five years. 

Her Money Podcast

Jean Chatzky hosts Her Money Podcast. She was the financial editor of the Today Show and the author of several books. Her Money Podcast has covered every major financial topic, from investing to budgeting, saving, and love. She is very relatable and incredibly knowledgeable about personal finance.

This podcast is for anyone that wants to understand how to spend, save, and invest money from a female perspective.

The Investor’s Podcast 

The Investor’s Podcast focuses on teaching listeners about options trading, stocks, real estate, and crypto-currencies so that they can grow their wealth. In addition, this podcast focuses on teaching people the basics of investing and how to grow their money over time. 

If you’re interested in stocks, trading, or options, this podcast is for you. You can also skip right to your preferred topic by searching through all podcasts for “Crypto” podcasts if that’s what you’re interested in.

Couple Money Podcast

The Couple Money Podcast is a podcast hosted by Elle Martinez. This show focuses on helping couples get on the same page about their finances to grow together because let’s be real finances in relationships have been known to cause sometimes unnecessary consternation. The podcasts are around 15 minutes long and offer many practical tips that can be applied to daily life. Each episode is jam-packed with insights into how to stop fights, set goals, and get out of debt together.

BiggerPockets Money Podcast

The BiggerPockets Money Podcast is hosted by Mindy Jensen and Scott Trench. They interview unique and influential leaders from all walks of life to help their listeners build financial freedom. Each episode is an hour-long and covers topics like saving for retirement or budgeting yourself out of debt. This show is full of great ways to earn more, save more, and be smarter with your money.

This podcast is for anyone who wants actionable advice on how to improve their finances. 

The Money, Markets, and Mindset Podcast

Jason Brown is an options trader, stock market coach, and host of The Money, Markets, and Mindset Podcast. He offers some great insights into trading and investing in his podcast. Every episode dives deep into a particular topic about finance with interviews from incredible guests who have mastered the arts of money management.

Jason Brown provides a unique perspective on trading options as a market coach working with retail traders from around the world.  His in-depth and extensive knowledge of financial markets makes this a great podcast for anyone looking to learn more about trading. The podcast is aimed at people who want to get started with investing and building wealth, but it’s also great for those that already have their feet firmly planted in the stock market. 

If you’re looking for an excellent podcast about money management, this is one of the best finance podcasts out there.

Journey to Launch  

Journey to Launch is a great podcast hosted by Jamila Souffrant, who is a Certified Financial Education Instructor. She is a blogger and money coach dedicated to promoting black financial literacy. She helps young POC gain some clarity on their finances and learn how to maintain good financial health.  Her podcast has over 100 episodes and is highly rated on all platforms. She discusses increasing income, understanding taxation, investing, saving money, and paying off debt.

She also offers advice on how to retire early and wealthy. Journey to Launch frequently hosts guest podcasters like Ash Cash, Courtney Richardson, Bernadette Anat, and several other talented black women who are experts in finance.

Build Your Healthy Relationship With Money

So how do feel? Are you just a little more eager to hop on the healthy relationship with money bandwagon? I certainly hope so. Feel confident in knowing, you can, and you will take the steps needed for you to feel much more comfortable about making small and large shifts that can impact your financial standing. You will soon feel smarter and be proud to invest, take a look at your savings and build a legacy based on having a healthy relationship with money. 

This will not be an overnight trend, this is a long-lasting initiative to see long-term results and achieve financial freedom. We know you are ready for this life, and we are honored to make some suggestions for finance podcasts to listen to. 

If you know of some podcasts that we absolutely missed – our bad! Let US KNOW! 

What podcasts do you like to listen to? What podcasts would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments! 

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