prosperity Archives - Couples Experience Wed, 10 Jan 2024 15:07:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 prosperity Archives - Couples Experience 32 32 Balancing Career Ambitions and Relationships: A Couple’s Guide Wed, 10 Jan 2024 15:06:57 +0000 Life is a juggling act, isn’t it? We’re constantly trying to keep all the balls in the air—our career, our

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Life is a juggling act, isn’t it? We’re constantly trying to keep all the balls in the air—our career, our personal life, our relationships. It can be tough to find that perfect balance, especially when career ambitions and relationships come into play. But fear not because I’ve been there, and I’m here to share some friendly advice on navigating this tricky terrain.

Communication Is Key

Let’s start with the most important thing: communication. Your partner is not a mind-reader, and neither are you. So, you need to have open and honest conversations about your career ambitions and how they may impact your relationship. Talk about your goals, your timelines, and your expectations. Be clear about what you need from each other.

Effective communication isn’t just about discussing the big stuff; it’s also about daily check-ins and sharing the little victories and challenges with your partner. By maintaining this constant dialogue, you can ensure that you’re both on the same page, which makes balancing your ambitions and relationship much smoother.

Prioritize Your Relationship

Balancing career ambitions and relationships means making your partnership a priority. Yes, your career is important, but so is the person you share your life with. Make time for date nights, quality time together, and genuine connection. Remember, your relationship should be a source of support, not just another item on your to-do list.

I think that creating a strong emotional connection in your relationship is super important. Express your love and appreciation regularly. Little gestures like leaving sweet notes or planning surprise outings have always worked wonders for me and can go a long way in strengthening your bond and reminding each other of your love amid busy schedules. Not to mention, give a couples subscription gift box a try so that you don’t have to think about what to do. The items come to you along with the ideas. 

Set Boundaries

Boundaries are your best friends while trying to manage your work-life balance. Define the boundaries between your work and personal life. When you’re at home, be present with your partner. Avoid checking work emails or taking work calls during your designated quality time. This goes for personal calls as well, and please stop scrolling social media when you are spending QT time with your love. Doing so will help create a clear distinction between your career and your relationship.

Now, don’t forget to establish personal boundaries as well. Respect each other’s need for personal space and time to recharge. You can prevent potential conflicts and maintain a harmonious balance by acknowledging these limits. As an only child myself, as well as Logan, it is essential for both of us to have our alone time. It’s funny to think that my previous partners never understood that. They wanted all my time or felt neglected when I was tending to me. SMH!

Support Each Other’s Goals

Remember, it’s not just about your career ambitions; it’s also about your partner’s dreams. Show genuine interest in their goals and ambitions. Be their cheerleader, offering encouragement and support. When you both feel valued and supported, it becomes easier to balance your individual pursuits.

Take time to actively participate in each other’s aspirations. Attend your partner’s important events and milestones, and offer constructive feedback when they need you to. Mutual support is everything, y’all! It can lead to a sense of fulfillment and shared growth within your relationship.

Time Management Matters

Listen, balancing career ambitions and relationships is not easy at all! It requires effective time management, so create a schedule that works for both of you, allowing for personal and career growth while maintaining your connection. Prioritize important events in your partner’s life, just as you would with work commitments. Not to mention, if you can, plan for a weekly or monthly date night. Give yourself something to look forward to. We have a weekly Friday date night – we both love having time together and we get excited when the day comes. It’s perfect for catching up and discussing all the things. 

When it comes to planning and scheduling, I’ve always been a fan of my little apps, which are a true life-saver when scatterbrained! Use technology to your advantage by syncing calendars or using apps that help you plan your time together. By being intentional about scheduling quality time, you can ensure that your relationship doesn’t take a back seat to your professional ambitions.

Flexibility Is a Major Thing

We all know life can be unpredictable, and sometimes, your career plans may need to shift. Perhaps one of you will need to relocate for work unexpectedly! You will be forced to make some difficult decisions, which might be scary! And if this is the first time you’ll be moving as a couple, it could cause some anxiety and possibly conflict. But try to be flexible and adaptable when necessary. If you know that this is your partner for life, this relocation could be an awesome opportunity for a new adventure.

Flexibility also means being open to compromise—that’s a tough one, right? But when conflicts arise between career and relationship priorities, finding middle-ground solutions that satisfy both your needs is the only way to go!

Self-Care Is Non-Negotiable

I’m sure you’ve heard this many times over—you can’t take care of your relationship if you’re not taking care of yourself. Prioritize self-care to ensure you’re in the right mental and emotional state to balance your ambitions and relationships. Think meditation, exercise, or simply unwinding with a good book—do whatever you need to make time for what rejuvenates you. 

This is super important: incorporate self-care routines into your daily life. Encourage your partner to do the same and support each other’s self-care practices. Nurture your individual well-being, and you’ll have the energy and resilience to navigate all the craziness that comes your way. And let’s be real – the craziness will come at some point. 

Seek Professional Help if Needed

I know that sometimes, no matter what you do, balancing career ambitions and relationships can become overwhelming, and that’s okay. If you find either of you struggling to find harmony, consider having a chat with a professional therapist or counselor. They understand what you‘re going through and can provide guidance and strategies to navigate your challenges.

BTW, therapy isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a valuable resource for couples looking to strengthen their relationship. A skilled therapist can help you explore deeper issues, improve communication, and develop coping strategies tailored to your situation. Trust me—you will discover great things and most likely feel amazing after a few sessions!

Trust Your Gut

You know yourself and your relationship better than anyone else. If something doesn’t feel right, talk about it. If you feel you’re neglecting your partner or career, take a step back and reassess your priorities.

Intuition is a powerful tool that we often neglect. If you sense that the balance has shifted too far in one direction, have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Together, you can make adjustments and ensure that both of you thrive.

Balancing Career Ambitions and Relationships—You Got This! 

I know what you’re thinking—it’s a lot of work, right? I’m not gonna lie, relationships take some effort and commitment, no doubt. BUT believe me, it will be well worth it once you’ve found your groove. Balancing career ambitions and relationships is an ongoing process, and there will be bumps along the way. But with open communication, support, and a shared commitment to each other’s happiness, you can find that sweet spot where your career and relationship thrive. So, decide to love your partner fiercely. And it’s possible to have it all—a successful career and a fulfilling relationship. Just remember these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to finding that perfect balance.

Take the quality relationship masterclass to become a better leader, colleague, and person in all of your relationships. Also, don’t forget to follow Tamika on Instagram for relationships, life, and love!

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Self Improvement Tips: Get Rid Of These Habits To Prioritize Personal Growth Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:26:55 +0000 Life is a journey of continuous evolution, making it essential to reassess habits that may hinder your progress periodically. Taking

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Life is a journey of continuous evolution, making it essential to reassess habits that may hinder your progress periodically. Taking stock of a few areas of your lifestyle and making meaningful changes can lower stress levels, enjoy your career more, and boost your general satisfaction. 

This article will examine some actions you should stop to unlock a more fulfilled and joyful existence.

1. Banish the Inner Critic

You might not realize it, but your inner voice could be the biggest hurdle in your path to personal growth. The constant stream of self-criticism not only dampens your spirits but also cripples your self-esteem. It’s time to switch gears. Replace those harsh words with a language of self-compassion and understanding

Notice when you’re being self-critical and consciously shift to a more positive and supportive inner dialogue. This simple change can dramatically alter your outlook on life. There’s a saying: think negative thoughts for less than 17 seconds to ensure they don’t get embedded into your mind. 

2. Break Free from Job Burnout

Feeling stuck in a job that drains you? You’re not alone. If your current role leaves you exhausted and uninspired, it’s a clear sign to seek new horizons. Consider enhancing your qualifications by pursuing an online degree in psychology, which could allow you to delve into the mind’s inner workings to help others. 

Access to many online programs offers the flexibility to balance your education with work and personal commitments. Just remember to choose accredited institutions that offer competitive tuition rates. Embarking on this new educational journey can reignite your passion and open doors to exciting career paths.

3. Declutter Your Life

Disorganization can be a significant roadblock in achieving your goals. It’s time to embrace digital solutions. Start by digitizing your paper records and documents. Saving them as PDFs is a game-changer, offering benefits like consistent formatting and easy sharing across various platforms. Many online tools are available to help you convert, compress, and even edit your PDFs. By organizing your digital space, you not only save time but also reduce stress, paving the way for a more productive and focused you. Ready to get started? 

4. Release Resentment

Holding onto grudges can be like carrying a heavy weight on your shoulders. It’s time to let go. Freeing yourself from resentment doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing the hurt caused to you. It means releasing yourself from bitterness and making room for peace and happiness. Practice forgiveness and watch how it transforms your mental and emotional well-being.

5. Halt the Overthinking Train

Are you trapped in a loop of overthinking every decision and situation? It’s a common trap that can lead to anxiety and indecision. Start by recognizing when you’re overanalyzing. Set limits for decision-making and trust your instincts. Learning to be decisive can significantly reduce your stress levels and lead to more fulfilling life experiences.

6. Conquer Procrastination

Procrastination is a silent thief of time. Putting off tasks is easy, but the cost often increases stress and missed opportunities. Break the cycle by setting small, achievable goals. Focus on the satisfaction of completing tasks, no matter how small. And celebrate your wins and accomplishments. This shift in mindset can lead to improved productivity and a sense of accomplishment.

7. Stop the Comparison Game

Comparing yourself to others is a surefire way to feel inadequate. Remember, everyone’s journey is different. Focus on your path and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem, by doing something kind for yourself. Embracing your unique journey fosters a sense of contentment and self-appreciation.


Transforming your life starts with letting go of habits that no longer serve you. By embracing these changes, you open the door to a world of new possibilities and a brighter, more fulfilling future. Remember, the power to change lies within you. Start today, and watch as you blossom into the best version of yourself.

Take the quality relationship masterclass to become a better leader, colleague, and person in all of your relationships. Also, don’t forget to follow Tamika on Instagram for relationships, life, and love!

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Unlocking Success: Essential Tips for Effective Business Partnerships Tue, 07 Nov 2023 14:45:23 +0000 When two or more parties come together with a shared vision, complementary skills, and a commitment to mutual growth, the

The post Unlocking Success: Essential Tips for Effective Business Partnerships appeared first on Couples Experience.

When two or more parties come together with a shared vision, complementary skills, and a commitment to mutual growth, the potential for success multiplies exponentially. However, building and maintaining effective business partnerships is not without its challenges. Read on to learn the key strategies and essential tips for navigating the intricacies of business partnerships to unlock their full potential.

Choose the Right Partner

This here point cannot be understated. The foundation of any successful business partnership lies in carefully selecting the right partner (or partners). You might need to step out of your comfort zone, but this step is critical as it sets the tone for the entire relationship. Here are some steps to choosing the right partner:

  • Identifying Compatible Values and Goals: Before entering into a partnership, it’s crucial to align on values, goals, and the overall mission of the partnership. Misalignment in these areas can lead to conflicts and hinder progress.
  • Assessing Skills and Expertise: Effective partnerships are often formed when each party brings a unique set of skills and expertise to the table. A thorough assessment of what each partner can contribute is essential. Rely on the idea of zone of genius and zone of excellence to better equip all parties to be in their appropriate zone. 
  • The Importance of Trust and Communication: Trust is the bedrock of any successful partnership. It must be earned and maintained over time through consistent actions and reliability. Everyone should be aligned with this thought process. 

Establish Clear Objectives and Expectations

Without a shared understanding of the partnership’s purpose and goals, it’s easy for misunderstandings to arise. Consider the following:

  • Define the Purpose of the Partnership: First, you should clearly articulate why the partnership is being formed. Is it for joint product development, market expansion, or something else? Understanding the “why” behind the partnership is crucial and will help to guide you in the best direction forward. 
  • Setting Specific, Measurable, and Achievable Goals: Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This clarity ensures that both parties are working toward a common objective.
  • Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities prevent overlaps and ensure that each partner knows what is expected of them. This reduces confusion and minimizes the potential for conflicts.
  • Establishing a Timeline and Milestones: A timeline with milestones helps track progress and ensures the partnership stays on course. It also allows you to balance your lifestyle with your work schedule.

Create a Solid Partnership Agreement

You need to protect yourself. So, having a partnership agreement upfront is pertinent. A partnership agreement is a formal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership. While it may seem like a bureaucratic step, it’s essential for protecting the interests of all parties involved.

The Purpose and Components of a Partnership Agreement

A partnership agreement should spell out the partnership’s purpose, each party’s roles and responsibilities, financial arrangements, dispute resolution mechanisms, and exit strategies. Setting this up upfront will lead you and your partner(s) to achieve success without confusion. 

Legal Considerations and Documentation

Seek legal counsel to draft a partnership agreement compliant with relevant laws and regulations. This ensures the agreement is legally binding and provides a framework for resolving disputes if they should arise in the future.

Ensuring Fairness and Protection for Both Parties

A well-structured partnership agreement should aim to achieve fairness and equity in all aspects of the partnership, from profit-sharing to decision-making power. Fairness goes a long way in business. 

The Role of Legal Counsel in Drafting an Agreement

Enlisting the expertise of legal professionals is crucial in creating a comprehensive and enforceable partnership agreement that protects the interests of all parties.

Moving Your Business to a New Location Can Help Build New Partnerships

When evaluating the signs that suggest it might be time to move for your business, notice the subtle cues that indicate the need for a transfer to a new location. These signs could include dwindling foot traffic, a saturated local market, or a declining business environment. If your current location no longer aligns with your growth objectives, expanding to a more promising area may be the ideal action. Ultimately, recognizing these indicators can be a significant step in ensuring the continued success of your business.

This goes for online businesses as well. You may not need to move your online business unless its a distribution or fulfillment center involved. Still, at times, it may be wise to evaluate if you need a website refresh, branding change, or even an expansion of purchasing to more domain names. Businesses are meant to change and evolve, so don’t get too stuck in your ways, preventing you from constant growth.

Foster Open and Effective Communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any successful partnership. It’s not enough to communicate sporadically. Instead, communication should be ongoing and transparent, and here is how:

  • The Role of Communication in Partnerships: Communication is the glue that holds partnerships together. Regular updates, meetings, and check-ins are essential to keep everyone on the same page and feel like they are a part of the bigger picture. 
  • Regular Meetings and Check-Ins: Schedule meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities. These meetings provide a platform for addressing issues promptly and making necessary adjustments. This is the time to connect and learn from each other and grasp the best way to work and grow together. 
  • Addressing Conflicts and Disagreements: Conflicts are inevitable in any partnership, but how they are handled determines success. Open and honest discussions are key to resolving conflicts constructively. Transparency will secure the future of your business. 
  • Encouraging Transparency and Honesty: Transparency builds trust. Partners should feel comfortable sharing successes and setbacks, as this helps make informed decisions and course corrections.

Collaborate and Leverage Each Other’s Strengths

Effective partnerships go beyond the sum of individual efforts, so partners should aim to leverage each other’s strengths. This will help you achieve your goals and create effective business partnerships.

Maximizing the Benefits of a Partnership

Partnerships are not just about sharing risks; they’re also about sharing resources, knowledge, and expertise. Seek opportunities to collaborate in ways that benefit both parties.

Sharing Resources and Expertise

Whether it’s sharing technology, market insights, or customer networks, partnerships should be a two-way street where each partner contributes value.

Mutual Support and Growth

Partners should actively support each other’s growth and success. Celebrate each other’s achievements, and be ready to adapt and innovate together.

The Ever-Changing Business Landscape

External factors, such as market trends and economic conditions, can impact the partnership. Stay informed and be prepared to adjust strategies accordingly.

Being Open to Adjustments and Pivots

Sometimes, the original plan may need to be adjusted due to unforeseen circumstances. Flexibility and willingness to pivot when necessary is a hallmark of effective partnerships.

Reevaluating Goals and Strategies

Regularly assess whether the partnership meets its objectives. If not, be willing to revisit and revise the partnership’s goals and strategies.

Navigating Challenges and Uncertainties

Challenges will arise, but they can be opportunities for growth and learning. Effective partnerships have the resilience to overcome obstacles together.

Tips for Nurturing Long-Term Success

Building effective business partnerships is not just about short-term gains. It’s about nurturing a long-term relationship that benefits all parties involved:

  • Build a Strong and Lasting Partnership. Aim for a partnership that stands the test of time. Celebrate achievements and milestones along the way to reinforce the partnership’s value.
  • Celebrate Achievements and Milestones. Acknowledge and celebrate the successes achieved as individuals and through the partnership. This not only boosts morale but also strengthens the bond between partners.
  • Plan for the Future and Evolving Together. As the business landscape changes, partners should work together to adapt and evolve their strategies to remain relevant and competitive.


Effective business partnerships can be powerful in achieving success in today’s business world. Forming and sustaining effective partnerships is a skill that can set a company apart and drive growth and innovation.

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10 Strategies to Overcome Financial Stress as a Couple Tue, 07 Nov 2023 14:37:36 +0000 Demonstrating love and unwavering support for your partner becomes necessary during financial stress. Such moments present a genuine opportunity to

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Demonstrating love and unwavering support for your partner becomes necessary during financial stress. Such moments present a genuine opportunity to showcase the depth of your affection. However, navigating these waters isn’t as effortless as people may make it seem. Challenges can be daunting, especially with numerous challenges knocking at the door.

Recent statistics show that approximately 40% of relationships and marriages face significant challenges during times of financial crises. These hardships can arise from various factors, including inadequate financial planning, financial knowledge, unemployment, salary reductions, etc. Regardless of the root cause, it’s crucial to recognize that these difficulties should not put your relationship or the well-being of your loved ones at risk.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing financial hardship in relationships, here’s how to turn financial stress as a couple into an opportunity for growth rather than separation.

1. Embrace Teamwork

Navigating a financial crisis can evoke various emotions, including anger, sadness, and frustration, which may lead to conflicts with your partner. Nevertheless, reminding yourself that you are on the same team is crucial. Resorting to lashing out or transferring aggression will not resolve the problem; it is akin to cutting off the branch that supports both of you.

In financial challenges, supporting one another and adopting a mindset of being teammates rather than adversaries is essential. Let go of minor irritations and mood swings that may arise from the turbulence. Remember that your partner is not the source of the problem; you are facing the storm together.

2. Discuss and Communicate Effectively

Having regular and open conversations about finances is crucial for couples. It’s essential to understand each other’s attitudes toward risk, saving habits, and financial goals.

Talking about money shouldn’t be stressful when you’re with the right person. By sharing critical financial details like income, career aspirations, debts (if any), and expenses, you can work together to plan for savings, investments, and emergency funds and manage your lifestyle during financial challenges.

It’s also important to discuss how expenses will be handled. Whether you combine everything, split it equally, or each takes responsibility for specific needs or wants, having these discussions can help avoid conflicts down the road.

Remember, this isn’t a one-time conversation. Regularly discussing finances is key to building trust and avoiding unnecessary crises. When you’re transparent about money, being honest about all aspects of your relationship is easier.

3. Respect Personal Space

Emotions can run high during a financial crisis, such as job loss, income reduction, or unexpected expenses. Your partner may need space to relax, think, or express feelings. Giving them the freedom to do so without holding them back is important.

At other times, your partner may seek your presence while they vent their anger, fear, or hurt. Listening and providing support is essential, letting them know they are not alone. The key is understanding your partner’s needs and preferences, whether they require solitude or company, to foster a strong relationship regardless of the circumstances.

4. Cultivate Positivity

Negative energy is the last thing anyone will need in a financial crisis. Radiate optimism, as it will serve as a wellspring of strength for your partner. Know that each economic tribulation has a deadline. While the duration of the tribulation might be uncertain, staying positive can help both of you endure the journey.

Take one day at a time. Try to live in the present no matter how much negativity comes around. Practicing mindfulness is a sure way to calm emotional turmoils and improve oneself.

Truly, life may not be as they were before the storm. But the ability to stay still together and balance as a couple is what matters most. With unity, love, and support, it will be easier to bounce back again.

5. Seek External Support

When faced with financial problems that feel overwhelming as a couple, it’s important to be courageous and reach out for assistance. Seeking the guidance of a

financial advisor can provide expert advice on navigating these challenges. Additionally, relationship counselors can help mediate if the strain on the relationship becomes too much.

Don’t hesitate to seek support from family, friends, and available forums. It’s important to remember that seeking help does not necessarily mean incurring more debt. Asking for assistance is a sign of strength and can benefit everyone involved. It doesn’t diminish your ability to maintain a healthy, fulfilling, and quality relationship.

6. Strive for Balance

It is beneficial for a couple to balance monitoring finances (good) and obsessing over them (bad). Do not be overly critical and nit-pick your partner. Be careful of the language used when discussing or reprimanding, especially if your partner is sensitive.

Avoid words like “you always” and “you never.” It depicts blame and can lead to low self-esteem, especially during a financial storm.

7. Block out External Influences

Are your friends constantly pressuring you to participate in extravagant and costly outings? Do they boast about their latest extravagant purchases? Do they always feel entitled to comment on your finances? Establishing boundaries and tuning out the noise is crucial. 

It’s important to exercise caution because external influences can sway your habits and decisions, potentially impacting your relationship during financial challenges. Avoid comparing your relationship or financial status to others; ultimately, prioritize what brings you happiness and is feasible for your relationship.

8. Choose Your Circle Wisely

Choose company and friendships that align with your values and foster positive financial behaviors. Association rubs off on us knowingly or unknowingly, meaning staying close to people with the same economic outlook and values will benefit you and your relationship.

People who handle relationships and finances well will motivate you to do the same. However, remember not to compare. Comparison is the thief of joy!

9. Maintain a Joint Bank Account

There is a belief among some couples that maintaining separate checking or savings accounts is an effective strategy to prevent money-related conflicts. However, it’s important to understand that your decision will shape the foundation for financial success or potential marital issues.

Marriage is a partnership that involves collaboration. It’s about combining resources and working together as a unit rather than viewing finances as “his and hers” when two individuals have become one through marriage.

10. Don’t Let Salary Disparities Stand In Your Way

In most couples, there tends to be one spouse who earns a higher income than the other. It’s not uncommon for a salary disparity, whether it’s a $50 or $50,000 difference annually.

However, it’s important to avoid viewing the entire pool of money as “mine” or “yours” and using it as leverage over your spouse. Just because you earn more doesn’t mean you should have more control or say in financial matters. This mindset only invites more problems into your relationship.

Remember, it’s not about “yours” or “mine” – it’s about “ours.” We are on the same team, and no one’s income should be prioritized over the other. Even if one partner earns less or stays at home with the children, their voice and opinions on financial matters are equally valid. Please don’t underestimate the value that stay-at-home parents bring to the family, as they contribute in various ways and help save money.

Ultimately, remember that in your marriage, you both have an equal say in your finances. Embrace the teamwork mentality and work together to make decisions that benefit both of you.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, financial storms and instability can strain any relationship, but it doesn’t have to be the end of it. By following these ten essential tips, couples can navigate these challenges and emerge stronger and more resilient.

Embracing these principles will fortify your bond, enhance financial security, and set you on the path to achieving shared financial goals.

Remember, finding harmony in both aspects of your life is possible, leading to a fulfilling and rewarding journey together. We hope this has given you the permission to conquer your fears and nurture a thriving relationship alongside an impeccable career.

Sign up for the Couples Experience CE Circle to discuss upcoming couple events, couples retreats, and date night ideas. Experience more today! Also, be sure to follow us on Instagram.

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Top Podcasts for Finances Tue, 08 Feb 2022 22:13:31 +0000 It’s true, whether we are open to admitting it or not. Having orderly finances allows you the space to grow,

The post Top Podcasts for Finances appeared first on Couples Experience.

It’s true, whether we are open to admitting it or not. Having orderly finances allows you the space to grow, feel free and make an impact in this oh, so crazy world. Somehow, many of us have become twisted up to feel regretful, ashamed, and not able to see the possibility of becoming our best financial selves. 

The thing is – we have to be willing to take a little risk in order to earn a reward. There is nothing out here worth having that you will not have to work for. This all means, investing your time and energy into the best of what you desire is a wise plan. 

When it comes to cash money, credit, bitcoin, whatever it may be, it’s been known that having a healthy relationship with money and anything to do with finances is exceptionally tough for many. The ways in which we are raised and how we think about money have created situations of avoidance and hatred towards having our finances in order, and again, shame is a whole other emotional beast making us feel capsized in debt with no light at the end of the tunnel.  

It does not have to be this way, friends! 

There are so many resources accessible to us to embrace our bank accounts, credit reports investment opportunities, and elimination of debt. We got this. You can be smart with money, even if it may seem like a far-fetched experience for you – stop the press – it is not! If I can go from incredible debt to a nice cash flow, savings account, retirement plan, and GOALS to have even MORE to EXPERIENCE MORE – I promise you can too!

To help out, podcasts for finances can be a great way to make sure that you are heading in the right direction. Sometimes you need to hear some advice from a stranger with a relatable story or a person with more experience. Either way, it’s cool, we are here for you!

When you are on a search for financial advice or insight, why not choose a few finance podcasts that can help facilitate that love relationship you have so desired with your money?  Are you ready to be confident in your money goals and to be financially stable?

Best Finance Podcasts for 2022

We’ve already addressed the fact that, for some, finances can be confusing and intimidating. However, if you’re interested in learning more about managing your money or even saving for the future, take heed to podcasts for finances as a great resource. Listen while you work, drive, clean or set aside some solid time for you to invest in learning about finances from the list of podcasts below!

The Dave Ramsey Show 

The Dave Ramsey Show Hosted by one of America’s most trusted voices on personal finance, Dave Ramsey. This podcast breaks down complex financial topics in a way that everyone can understand. Dave offers solutions that can help you take charge of your life and build the future you’ve always wanted. With more than 1 billion downloads, Dave has helped people all over the country accomplish major financial goals. If there’s anyone who knows how to gain control of their finances, it’s definitely going to be Dave Ramsey. 

This show is squarely aimed at those who want to get out of debt and take control of their money once and for all. While not directly aimed at millennials, this podcast can be a great learning tool for those in their 20s to get ahead of the game. Learn how to stay on track with your finances and avoid falling into a rut. 

Millennial Investing

The Millennial Investing Podcast explores what it’s like to work in the financial world while also looking at how millennials are investing their money today. It doesn’t get much more real than this, folks. This show can provide some great insights into millennial-specific financial issues. Since listening to podcasts is free and doesn’t require much time, this can be an excellent way to learn and start preparing for the future all at once. 

Robert Leonard gives great advice about fundamentals such as asset allocation and diversification. This is a great podcast for anyone interested in learning how to invest their money without having to take too many risks.

Ditch the Suits

Hosted by Steve Campbell and Travis Maus, Ditch the Suits offers up unapologetic, thought-provoking conversations about the financial industry. These podcasts are not for everyone since hearing some of these hard truths can be challenging. However, these podcasts are well worth listening to if you want to know what’s really going on behind the scenes. These podcasts can help you finally get your finances in order and avoid getting mixed up with the scammers of the world.

This podcast also offers some great insights into self-investing and can be a great supplement to other finance-focused podcasts. This show is perfect for those interested in the current state of investing and those who want to learn more about finance on their terms.

Money For The Rest Of Us

Hosted by J. David Stein, Money For The Rest Of Us podcast offers some great insights into the world of finance and investing. This show focuses on helping people learn how to manage their money simply but thoroughly. Tune in every Monday for helpful tips that can help you finally get your finances under control once and for all. 

This podcast can help you find great ways to invest your money and grow it instead of just wasting it on frivolous purchases that won’t matter in five years. 

Her Money Podcast

Jean Chatzky hosts Her Money Podcast. She was the financial editor of the Today Show and the author of several books. Her Money Podcast has covered every major financial topic, from investing to budgeting, saving, and love. She is very relatable and incredibly knowledgeable about personal finance.

This podcast is for anyone that wants to understand how to spend, save, and invest money from a female perspective.

The Investor’s Podcast 

The Investor’s Podcast focuses on teaching listeners about options trading, stocks, real estate, and crypto-currencies so that they can grow their wealth. In addition, this podcast focuses on teaching people the basics of investing and how to grow their money over time. 

If you’re interested in stocks, trading, or options, this podcast is for you. You can also skip right to your preferred topic by searching through all podcasts for “Crypto” podcasts if that’s what you’re interested in.

Couple Money Podcast

The Couple Money Podcast is a podcast hosted by Elle Martinez. This show focuses on helping couples get on the same page about their finances to grow together because let’s be real finances in relationships have been known to cause sometimes unnecessary consternation. The podcasts are around 15 minutes long and offer many practical tips that can be applied to daily life. Each episode is jam-packed with insights into how to stop fights, set goals, and get out of debt together.

BiggerPockets Money Podcast

The BiggerPockets Money Podcast is hosted by Mindy Jensen and Scott Trench. They interview unique and influential leaders from all walks of life to help their listeners build financial freedom. Each episode is an hour-long and covers topics like saving for retirement or budgeting yourself out of debt. This show is full of great ways to earn more, save more, and be smarter with your money.

This podcast is for anyone who wants actionable advice on how to improve their finances. 

The Money, Markets, and Mindset Podcast

Jason Brown is an options trader, stock market coach, and host of The Money, Markets, and Mindset Podcast. He offers some great insights into trading and investing in his podcast. Every episode dives deep into a particular topic about finance with interviews from incredible guests who have mastered the arts of money management.

Jason Brown provides a unique perspective on trading options as a market coach working with retail traders from around the world.  His in-depth and extensive knowledge of financial markets makes this a great podcast for anyone looking to learn more about trading. The podcast is aimed at people who want to get started with investing and building wealth, but it’s also great for those that already have their feet firmly planted in the stock market. 

If you’re looking for an excellent podcast about money management, this is one of the best finance podcasts out there.

Journey to Launch  

Journey to Launch is a great podcast hosted by Jamila Souffrant, who is a Certified Financial Education Instructor. She is a blogger and money coach dedicated to promoting black financial literacy. She helps young POC gain some clarity on their finances and learn how to maintain good financial health.  Her podcast has over 100 episodes and is highly rated on all platforms. She discusses increasing income, understanding taxation, investing, saving money, and paying off debt.

She also offers advice on how to retire early and wealthy. Journey to Launch frequently hosts guest podcasters like Ash Cash, Courtney Richardson, Bernadette Anat, and several other talented black women who are experts in finance.

Build Your Healthy Relationship With Money

So how do feel? Are you just a little more eager to hop on the healthy relationship with money bandwagon? I certainly hope so. Feel confident in knowing, you can, and you will take the steps needed for you to feel much more comfortable about making small and large shifts that can impact your financial standing. You will soon feel smarter and be proud to invest, take a look at your savings and build a legacy based on having a healthy relationship with money. 

This will not be an overnight trend, this is a long-lasting initiative to see long-term results and achieve financial freedom. We know you are ready for this life, and we are honored to make some suggestions for finance podcasts to listen to. 

If you know of some podcasts that we absolutely missed – our bad! Let US KNOW! 

What podcasts do you like to listen to? What podcasts would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments! 

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Authenticity Is Not Trendy Fri, 24 Sep 2021 23:01:34 +0000 Every so often there are some words that get plenty of clout, recognition, and overuse and let’s be real, it

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Every so often there are some words that get plenty of clout, recognition, and overuse and let’s be real, it gets annoying. This here word, the a-word is what we call it, it is one we genuinely live by, aaaand it isn’t asshole. I must admit though, many that use it could very well be considered assholes, but I’m deviating. 

Authenticity is it! It is the a-word, and it is what we are in dire need of more quality and quantity of. Brands, people, and organizations alike are constantly “trying” to be authentic, but that’s not how you do it. Please say you agree with me?!

When I think of the word authenticity I am immediately bombarded with the lack thereof. I think of the personas being built and projected every time I scroll on my IG timeline. It’s the influencers, the so-called celebrities, the wanna-be entrepreneurs, and the lackluster approach to realness. I don’t know about you, but a sista and a brotha over here are left confused most times. How in the hell did we really get to a place where it is simpler to be phony, than to be real?

I just spoke to a Gen Z the other day, and they mentioned “BBL” in a conversation. I was immediately lost. Like the old lady grandma, I had to ask, “What the heck does BBL stand for?” Y’all, I wasn’t kidding. Apparently, I haven’t consumed enough Tiktok videos. 

Either way, my newfound Gen Z friends let me know what it meant. Like, when did Brazilian Butt Lifts get so popular to the point of needing an acronym?? This is where we are in life. 

We are in the phase of too much limelight having the ability to cause stupidity, and most people that are gaining more followers, likes, and engagement are relying on their looks, not their talent, skillset, or knowledge base. The captions we read are like headlines of fraudulence. Sad. 

In several recent studies, teenage and young adult users who spend the most time on Instagram, Facebook and other platforms were shown to have a substantially (from 13 to 66 percent) higher rate of reported depression than those who spent the least time. – Child Mind Institute

This is incredibly traumatizing, but not surprising. We are raising kids battling with their authentic selves, and having to emulate what they see on social media in order to be relevant. Not good. 

I mean what happened to the simplicity of enjoying a good meal without taking a high res, technique-ridden photo? Where did the time go when you could sit alone ANYWHERE and not pick up your phone to fill your time to finger scroll? Remember the times when the only way you would know if someone likes you was if they told you verbally, in written form, by teasing you, or by pulling your hair? Yeah, we are FAR BEYOND that, my friends. These influencers have millions of followers to DM them, comment about their asses (BBLs), and like all their pictures at once (stalker style).  Don’t forget there are people out here making tens of thousands of dollars promoting brands by posing and looking pretty. I ain’t hatin’ – I’m just saying. 

We are in need of some longevity classes. Plastic surgery can only do so much, and last time I checked the only thing to make yo insides be right is your mental health coupled with positive vibes, with a side of a lot of love. 

Correct me if I’m wrong, but just like money doesn’t buy happiness, neither does an outer appearance or anything that may help to magnify the veneer. You have to feel good on the inside to reflect the amazingness that is life on the outside. 

Not to mention, you may look good now, but permanently, life will catch up to you, and what you see now, WILL NOT BE WHAT YOU GET LATER. 

In the words of my loving husband, Logan – “In today’s world it seems so much of people’s lives and experiences are forced, if not totally manufactured. A wise man once told me “people try way too hard to be cool”. When that happens people often miss out on the most compelling, interesting, and exciting opportunities for experiences in their lives. Most often, these experiences can be right before us, but are often overlooked and missed in lieu of gimmicks and mass-produced types of experiences that miss the mark.”

Enjoy some experiences.

So put your phone down. Hang with some good soul-nurturing friends. Experience the belly laughs you want to run from because your stomach is hurting so good, but oh so bad. Experience a fruitful life that has nothing to do with what you have to offer on the surface, and have so much fun in the moment, that you forget to take a picture. 

I challenge you – show the world who you really are, what is unique to only you, and what you have to offer the world.

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How Money Can Affect Your Relationship Fri, 24 Sep 2021 22:45:32 +0000 Handling your own finances is stressful enough, but handling money between two people is one of the most common sources

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Handling your own finances is stressful enough, but handling money between two people is one of the most common sources of relationship problems for couples worldwide. Being the reason 67% of people argue with their significant other, money-related issues manifest in various ways. Still, however imperceptible some of them may be, they are the issues are a sign that something about the relationship needs to be addressed.

The COVID-19 pandemic certainly intensified the impact of financial hardship. Along with facing lockdown together, couples have been challenged to elevate their levels of compassion and communication skills to brand new standards.

Honesty, empathy, and clear communication are the foundation for any healthy and lasting relationship. When it comes to money, it is no different. Learn some of the most recurring financial problems to haunt happy couples, how vital talking about money as a team is, and the first steps to bring up the conversation with your partner.

Most Common Money-Related Problems in a Relationship

Disagreement about finances is one of the three leading causes of divorce. These problems often surface because of personal income differences, insecurity, and personal baggage. Identifying what kind of money-related problem you are going through can be the first step in saving your relationship. 

Power Imbalance

Among the main issues related to money in relationships, power imbalance may be one of the most complex. It can come from several reasons, but its effects are always significant. In most relationships, there is one person who makes more money than their partner, and, as the age-old saying goes, money is power.

When one person in the relationship has a higher income, it is common for them to have the final say in matters of finances. This increased control can start to leak even into the more straightforward decisions related to money, such as where to eat on date night. The person with more money often expects their partner to compensate for their lack of financial contribution by taking on more responsibilities and investing more time into the relationship – like taking on all the household work or looking after the kids.

A power imbalance often makes the person who earns less feel guilty, ashamed, and, ultimately, become financially dependent on their higher-earning partner. The disadvantaged person possibly doesn’t realize their situation until they face a possible end of the relationship and a sudden shift to their lifestyle. These situations force the person to choose between staying in a financially toxic relationship or adapting to a new reality where they’ve lost their primary financial support.

Financial Infidelity

In a study by the Financial Therapy Association, 27% of the participants admitted to having kept financial secrets from their partners. Moreover, both marital and life satisfaction was lower for those who had experienced financial infidelity. Among the 14 behaviors linked to financial infidelity analyzed by the research, the four most common among the participants were: 

  • hiding purchases from your partner
  • lying about the price you paid for something
  • spending money on the kids without telling your spouse
  • saying you bought something on sale when you paid full price. 

Keeping secrets from your partner can always undermine your mutual trust and commitment. The same applies to money-related secrets. When a couple doesn’t discuss their finances in an open, healthy conversation, they are forgoing valuable time together. Managing finances as a unit is a powerful tool for increasing intimacy, connecting over shared goals, and establishing mutual respect. 

Take a listen to some of the top podcasts for finance when you need some additional insight and advice on finances.

Opposing views on money management

We start developing our attitude towards money early on as children. We learn from watching how our parents handle money. We can ultimately internalize their attitude or, when witnessing problems caused by their practices, develop our own distinct strategies, hoping to avoid repeating their mistakes.

In any case, when two people come from different backgrounds, it is understandable that they have different perspectives on money. For many, finding someone whose attitude to money is complementary to yours can be meaningful and a learning experience for both parties. Still, opposing opinions on finances can cause frequent heated disagreements.

Everyone has financial baggage. Understanding your partner’s background and respecting their views is fundamental in keeping a peaceful relationship. 

Financial uncertainty in COVID times

Since March 2020, when the COVID-19 crisis reached the status of a global pandemic, families have been forced to adapt their living in a way many were unprepared for. Coping with the uncertainty brought by sudden unemployment, reduced income, closed schools, and long periods of lockdown can cause unimaginable tension in any relationship, regardless of how stable it has been.

Despite the unpredicted financial challenges, a Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) survey concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic has helped reduce the stigma around talking about money in the household. While the conversations aren’t always positive, they encourage open communication and bring down financial infidelity. After all, it is much harder to keep secrets from your partner when you’re locked up together.

The importance of talking about money

Talking about money isn’t just about solving any immediate problems that may be damaging your relationship – it’s about developing trust and healthy communication with your partner, as well as understanding each of your personal perspectives and how they can work together in a positive, complimentary way.

In most cases, we only get glimpses of our partner’s attitude towards money in the earlier stages of dating – up until taking the step to live together, we mostly handle our finances individually. It is only when combining our finances that we see the full picture of our partner’s financial attitude. 

These three simple steps can help you start talking about money with your partner:

Reflect on your values

We start developing our values from a very young age. We are often unaware of how they impact our decision-making process. Understanding our perspective is the first step in being able to communicate your ideas to your partner. You can also think about the positive impacts of starting this conversation with your partner on your relationship.

Understand your partner’s side of the story

Reflecting on your partner’s baggage and what made up their financial values is a crucial step to cultivating empathy for them. Having compassion for the other person is fundamental when solving any argument in a relationship. Remember that we all come from different backgrounds, and in most financial conflicts, there is no right or wrong – just different.

Start the conversation

Finally, take the final step and start the conversation with your partner. Taking what you learned from the two previous actions, you can ask your partner to sit down and talk about your finances and face any problems coming up as a united front, letting them decide on a time when they feel more comfortable. Don’t forget to approach your partner compassionately, and reassure them that this can deepen your connection, and make sure you’re both working towards your goals – together.

Don’t let money be the downfall of your relationship

Going through financial hardship is no reason to be ashamed. Most couples have, at some point, disagreed about money. Knowing how to find the root of the problem and apply the appropriate tools to fix it can be challenging. However, there’s no reason why it should be a source of irreparable conflict in your relationship.

It comes as no surprise – talking about it always helps. If you feel uncomfortable with any aspect of your financial situation as a couple, it probably means that there is something to be addressed. If you don’t feel ready to bring it up with your partner just yet, or if you’re not sure precisely what is bothering you, talk about it with a trusted friend. The simple act of verbalizing your thoughts can be a powerful strategy to get a clear perspective of your feelings.

And if still, after employing every tactic in your repertoire, you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, don’t worry – it’s not the end of the line. Seeking the help of a financial advisor will allow you to reevaluate your economic situation as a couple and layout a plan to make any necessary adjustments to your lifestyle.

Suggested videos: Things You Should Never Say About Money In A Relationship | The Financial Diet

6 Steps To Resolve Financial Conflicts In Marriage | His and Her Money

Author Bio:

Thais Roberto and Couples ExperienceThaís Roberto is an English teacher and an academic researcher. Connect viaísfroberto/

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Listen To Your Heart Thu, 05 Aug 2021 12:58:37 +0000 Understand life will bring you… Disappointment Heartache Failure But always know no matter what… You can make it through Your

The post Listen To Your Heart appeared first on Couples Experience.

Understand life will bring you…

  1. Disappointment
  2. Heartache
  3. Failure

But always know no matter what…

  1. You can make it through
  2. Your heart is meant to be mended
  3. Failure makes you stronger

I’m not terribly old in human terms, but I’m old enough to have experienced enough. I have been through all that is meant to force you to recreate anew. I have been through the frustrations of expecting others to be what you need, but they remain themselves, and they rarely offer what you need in return. As I reflect, I think, what could I really expect?

I have been through the heartache of the disappointment of the type of love that penetrates you to the core, and you do all that you were capable of to make it work, to see it through, and to prevent yourself from having to experience the pain of being without that love. It may be time for that love to be subdued.

I have been through the heartache from true loss. The true loss of having had someone in the physical form, but then…unexpectedly they are no longer present. That true loss, the energy of once having, but not having anymore. I have been through imagining that one true feeling, that one true memory, that one true brush of having your cheek rubbing against theirs, and the embrace that no one else can ever fulfill.

I have been through many instances in which I had expectations, followed by disappointments, heartache, and the infamous feeling of failure that sets in to make you feel less than. That feeling that can make you feel like you may never make it out of the hell hole of feeling like shit.

But out of all those numerous experiences that I once thought would break me, forever, those same experiences broke me open to see another experience. Those experiences made me become me, today, gratefully. If you believe, if you muster up enough might to push you through to the other side, I know you will be provided with more than you thought you could ever dream and your heart’s mission will provide the direction your need.

​This is what Couples Experience and the Experience More lifestyle is. It is where the conversations take place. It is where the experience of exploring new places, new trends, new norms, and great growth takes place. It is where your child-like spirit comes out and shares a good laugh, a good game night, good food and drink, and a way to reflect years later on the best that has occurred with friends and strangers alike. This is where authenticity is not trendy.

This is who I am, and this is who we (myself and Logan) believe we all are. We are individuals desiring the life we want. We are individuals seeking the best connections to get us to the next level. We are individuals that see the best in another, and they too see the best in us. We are individuals of all ages and backgrounds with a story to share.

So get in on the Experience More lifestyle, and hop on that bandwagon of living your best life because, I know you’ve heard it before – this life…this experience…is just too damn short not to enjoy it!

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What’s Stopping You? Sat, 10 Jul 2021 09:35:43 +0000 http://localhost/couples-experience/?p=392 What’s stopping you from where you want to be? ​What is causing all the doubts, the questions spiraling into an

The post What’s Stopping You? appeared first on Couples Experience.

What’s stopping you from where you want to be?

​What is causing all the doubts, the questions spiraling into an endless abyss of #nevermind?

Who is it that you admire? Who believed in themselves through the doubts? Who had a dream, and it came true? Who did “it” even though the fear drove them crazy? Who is it that you look at and think if only that were me?

Where is it that you desire to be in 5 years? Where is that motivation you had those years ago when you did something you had no idea you could do?

When will it be your time? When will you think you deserve to see all those things you aspired to come to fruition, and when will someone be looking up to you?

I know the answers to all these questions.  I’ve pondered over them for…days, months, and even years. I
remembered,  then forgot. I’ve achieved then failed. Then achieved again. Most importantly, I believed. I listened. I’ve attacked me. I’ve attacked those detrimental thoughts with overwhelming clear thoughts of the truth of who I am. I’ve filled those dark holes of doubt with determination and voiced my mission…back to…me.

I’ve grown to desire experiences over things. 
​​I’ve learned and acquired an understanding that this ish is never-ending. That conquering
your ego is like the limelight of celebrity that Kim Kardashian always looks for! Or maybe it’s like a flash of you keeping up with the Joneses (btw look up who that is) the wrong way. 

Let me help you to recall…all those times you had NO IDEA how things would work out.
Let me take you back to when you had NO IDEA how you would get out of the mess life brought upon you to face.

Let me remind you when you had NO IDEA what would happen next, but let me remind you how you got out

— by believing and taking action. Simply put, all things are not what they seem. We are pawns of life attempting to move (it’s hauling) us in a different direction. To thrust us into the life of our dreams. But that whole resistance of fear sets in and causes a massive ball of “this ish is not gonna work!

Am I right?

The truth is…the point is…it’s not necessary to think beyond the first step. Sure, consider it, but let’s backtrack to the last time.

You know, THAT time (there may be many times to count) in which the first step was ALL you could even conjure up in your mind to think about.

It’s that whole aspect of thinking in the present that works. Self-help books talk about it ALL the time.

​It makes sense, though. That future-looking, we have all fallen victim to ain’t (yep, I’m using that word) doing a thing for you besides causing some avoided anxiety.

You got this!!

Take the first step…and…

Let’s GET IT!

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